Learn, Share & Support
There are a number of organisations that can support you on your sustainability journey, both within Taranaki and further afield. Share your learning and success and tap into the support that you need - there’s no need to reinvent the wheel!
Learning and Support
There are a number of key organisations to support you on your journey towards more sustainable business include:
Taranaki’s three council co-fund a waste minimisation officer, who can help you with sold waste minimisation. Call your local council to make enquiries. In addition, NPDC have a Commerical Waste Minimisation Officer to assist you in minimising solid waste.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority - EECA have a business team that can assist you in sourcing funding, with energy audits and more.
Green Building Council - a non-profit membership organisation that promotes better buildings, because better buildings mean healthier, happier people.
Sustainable Business Council - aim to mainstream sustainability within the New Zealand business community
Sustainable Business Network - New Zealand’s largest, longest-standing sustainable business organisation. Their goal is empowering business to be more sustainable so that people and nature prosper.
Sharing Your Success
Measuring & sharing your sustainability progress is an important part of any sustainability program. According to the Sustainability Trust, 73% of Kiwis rate a socially and environmentally responsible workplace as being important. The more you talk about your journey towards sustainability, the stronger your brand will glow – shout about it!
You can start by investigating triple bottom line end-of-year reporting. Here, in addition to financial reporting businesses also report on their social and environmental bottom lines. And for an easier step - get on your social media outlets and let everyone know what you are achieving. We would love to share your successes through our outlets too. Drop us a line at info@sustainabletaranaki.org.nz
If you know of other stockists/retailers/suppliers/services or all round fantastic sustainable sources please let us know so that we can share.