Avoid Using Pesticides, Herbicides & Insecticides
Synthetic chemicals kill bees, beneficial insects and soil microbes, while impacting your own family’s health. Try alternatives, which range from garden design to organic options.
Organic sprays
There are a lot of organic sprays available, so ask your local garden centre about natural alternatives. Organic garden sprays - neem oil, natural pyrethrins are key ingredients used in natural bug sprays, while pine oils are used in weed killers. You can also make up your own bug sprays out of chilli, garlic and liquid soap. A quick internet search will offer up a range of home made recipes for you to try!
Organic gardening methods
Workshops & courses can provide another approach to managing pests. Using companion planting and diversifying crops can reduce pests, as can the timing of crop plantings. Bugs tend to feed on weaker plants, so ensuring your plants are well fed, watered and have ample light is critical in reducing pests.
Check out the ‘Grow your own food’ section for information on local organic gardening courses. The page also lists garden consultants who offer expert advice.
Set on spraying?
Then use a synthetic chemical:
Spray when plants aren’t flowering or no bees are present
Spray early in the morning or at sunset to avoid insects
Don’t spray on wet or windy days when chemicals move to surrounding areas, causing damage to plants
If you know of other stockists/retailers/suppliers/services or all round fantastic sustainable sources please let us know so that we can share.